God's presence on camp

This is Marissa reporting from Metricup. All I can say, the place is so gorgeous & lovely! Today has been amazing. Woke up & realised that we had to cook our own breakfast. I'm pretty impressed with what I cooked... Scrambled eggs with mushrooms & bacon! It was yummy. Maybe because I cooked it myself...

After breakfast, the housemoms offered to do a drive to the beach & coast. I thought it would be a good opportunity for me to take pictures & videos. So I decided to go for it. In the end, no other girls were interested so it was a road trip of 2. Ms G and me. All I can say, it was part of God's plan.
I had the opportunity to admire the loveliest open fields and clear blue skies. Sometime into the journey, Ms G asked me if I went to church & asked if I was okay listening to Christian music by Hillsongs. I told her I was more than happy to. She shared that not many people were ok with it because it was linked to religion, Christianity in particular. This opened the discussion of the Christian faith. we talked about other stuff before I felt comfortable to share with her the "culture" shock I first experienced when I came to SMAGS. How it's supposed to be an Anglican school but everyone is so "anti-Christ". She shared that she was praying for God's protection when she was driving the other group of girls down to Metricup because she overheard them talking about trying out a game that involved spirits of the dead and stuff like that at camp...

We had a relatively long discussion. But what impacted me the most was when Ms G shared about trusting God even during the hard times. The importance of the relationship we need to have with God to trust and believe He's always there for us. This just enforced what my Christian mentor told me about the importance of having a relationship with GOD.

The second thing that impacted me was something about the importance of being comfortable to speak about your faith. If not, you'll get so uncomfortable that you avoid talking about it altogether. The context of this was when she asked if we girls did a prayer session/Bible study. I told her we haven't been doing it regularly since we were busy with exams. It's funny though, about a week ago, I felt prompted to restart the prayer group with the girls... I just never got around to doing it or sending that invitation email. Today, here I was in the middle of south Perth, on an exclusive road trip with a housemom, the issue of the prayer group was brought up. All I can say..

God is amazing! He has everything all planned out. A simple drive out with my houseMom provided me the encouragement I needed in my spiritual faith.

Here's some pictures that I took at Margaret River. The scenery is just so lovely!

Trees at Margaret River

A selfie with the trees in the background :)

God's love & blessings~

Supergirl M


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