Awesome Hangout

"No man is an Island" All of us need a helping hand from people around us be it our friends or family members. Yesterday was a pretty exciting day. It was the first Sunday since I was discharged from my recent overnight stay in the hospital. Let me side track a bit. I really want to thank all my friends who visited me in the hospital, brightening up my day. A BIG THANK YOU to Justyn (who already left for Aus), Eng Kiat, Shu Ling jie jie, Aunty Soo Ming, Aunty Rachel, Sa-ee, Dr. Stephanie, Dr. Gary, Dr. Jonk, Dennis, Raveen, Laurencia & Lixin. [Hope i didn't miss out anyone!]

I also watched Jason Chen's chinese version of baby during my stay in the hospital. And Woah... He is so pro! I love his vocals man. :) Okay, back to my topic I was suppose to blog about. The awesome outing. Yesterday, after church, Lg'95 went out together... Well only the few of us [Alex, Colin, Reuben, Othilia, Michelle, Jade, Hui Ping & me] Nicole sprained her ankle. Nicole, if you are reading this, GET WELL SOON! We went to Fish & Co. at bugis. We spent a really long time there because we were so full & lazy to move. We sat there talking about school and what we were going to do after Os. Alex told us his brilliant idea of going to Bali with the whole Lg'95. Woah... Alex if you're reading this, I think Lahu is the closest we can get. :) I lent reuben money and he tried to be nice by calling me darling hoping that he doesn't have to pay me back. Nice try Reuben, Nice Try. Haha But honestly, all of you dudes & babes are darlings to me luh. We have been together for more than 10 years? I hope this friendship will continue man and I really hope to continue hanging out even when we are old and wrinkly. LG'95 for the Win!

Arghhh... Tomorrow is my Chinese O level oral. I am a bit worried. I don't know why. Friends reading this, please pray for me. Oooh on a side note, I managed to transfer my old tag board from my old blog here... Heh heh. Ohhh, if you are free next Sunday on the 10th July, you are most welcome to come by Kampong Kapor Methodist Church at 11.30am. I'll be sharing my testimony on how the Lord extended my life. Kay enough of me rambling on. I am going to do my A math now. See ya!


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