Adventures of Camp!

Hey All, I am back from camp! It was a nice experience for me since I am so use to the city life. Spent most of my day sleeping as my nose is blocked and I can't breathe/smell anything. The first proper meal of the day was dinner and it was a pretty scary experience because I couldn't taste most of my food with the exception of fruits and ham. Nonetheless, I entrust myself to God and I am sure He is in the process of healing me. I will have to stay strong and continue to trust in Him. It is times like these that remind me of home. But since I am here and it is my decision, I will deal with this situation like a mature teenager... SLEEEP it away with the help of medication :)
Anyway, I was suppose to blog about camp not about myself. Generally, camp was good I felt that our group was quite bonded compared to the other groups. We were in Group F and people from other groups made fun of our name e.g. 'F' for failure and those kinda stuff. It just shows their character and how immature they are.

Day 1 - Monday 3/9
Woke up really early for the ~ 4 hour bus ride to Metricup. Had lunch, planned to have team activities but it rained really heavily. So it became a pretty much do nothing day. Our group was chilling in the dorms at Metricup.

Day 2 - Tuesday 4/9
Had breakfast and saw ice on the ground. Lea, Amy, Annika & I played with the ice by throwing it onto the grass. We also had a session on the theory of whales as we were suppose to go out to sea for whale watching but that DID NOT happen because there was heavy rain and hail stones. So we walked previous whaling areas and made a life sized whale. The life sized whale was really cool because we could actually walk into it and it was inflated by 3 ordinary fans.

Day 3 - Wednesday 5/9
Our last day at Metricup before heading to hamelin bay. The day started out pretty cloudy as we headed to visit a lighthouse that was built in 1903. It was so simple but beautiful. The view from it was simply amazing! Though we felt that we were about to get blown off by the strong winds. We went for a walk around the area and had lunch at the lighthouse. This was when we first discovered 'cracks' in our group. The people who thought only about themselves, the people who will never fully understand the meaning of teamwork. Who can blame them? 'They were only victims of circumstance.' ~ The Book Thief. Confident, poised and noses in the air are only a facade of their true character that is further revealed through the camp. Their 小姐脾气 is probably due to the wealth owned by their FAMILY. (Notice family is in caps...) Seriously, Who can blame them? No one can choose their family members right? But we can definitely choose (the character) Who we want to be.

Anyway, enough about these 大小姐s. After lunch, we headed to a cliff to do abseiling. The cliff was really near the sea so we had to trek in to get to the place. When I first saw it, I was a little nervous since it has be quite some time since I did abseiling and this was my first time doing it near a cliff. But after the trial cliff of 15m, I loved it so much! It started raining when we began the 42m cliff. So I abseiled down the 42m cliff twice in the rain. If you think about it, I probably would not get a chance to do these kinds of things in Singapore. There is no high cliff for me to abseil down. Unless, like Lea said, abseil down HDB buildings offering cleaning services for the windows.

It was a really long day for us and we were all drenched by the end of the day. So you can imagine, all we wanted to do was head to hamelin bay and settle into our accommodation. Let me explain how the accommodation at hamelin bay works. In the group, pairs would be drawn out to stay in matchbox houses, matchbox houses with ensuite, cottage houses and ocean view apartments. The ocean view apartments were the nicest and biggest. At Hamelin bay, we had to cook our own meals, Breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Lea & I with 4 other people were assigned to the matchbox. Well, okay small space, we could live in that since we were boarders and we were used to small spaces. But the breaking point came when we entered the matchbox house to find it in a terrible condition. The last group from our school did not do a proper job at cleaning up. Tensions were really high and if the previous group was present, I can assure you, they would have been slaughtered by the 4 other members who were staying with us. With morale low and we still had to attend briefings for food and stuff, the members were looking for authorities to complain to. Well, I am really grateful to the people living in the ocean view apartment. They willingly allowed us to gather there for our meals and they even offered to cook dinner for the whole of group F. No doubt, I was a little angry at the previous group that did not do a good job at the clean up but some how, 2 bible verses came into mind. Not the whole verse but the gist of it.

1)"Be angry, and yet do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger and do not give the devil an opportunity." ~ Ephesians 4: 26-27

2)"No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you can stand under it."~1 Corinthians 10:13

Together with Lea, we started cleaning up the matchbox house as the other members tried looking for other people to bunk in with. I have no idea what actually made me take the initiative to clean up the place but looking back, I believe it was God working through me because I have been praying that He will use me and Lea to be living testimonies for Him during camp. This was when Lea & I started laughing about it and saying that we were like a couple cleaning up their new home. Similar to the Korean Variety show titled We Got Married. We are the Cleaning couple, Hamelin Bay edition. After all the cleanup and stuff, the place looked much cleaner and we're glad the 4 other members decided to stay put with us in the matchbox house. After cleaning we headed to the ocean view apartments to have dinner and Whoahh dinner was so amazing! Thank you Amy & Pasqua and whoever that cooked for us. It was simply delicious. The 大小姐s were trying too hard to be indifferent. They are so antisocial and left immediately after dinner hoping to watch some show on TV. (yes, some had TVs in their apartments) Anyway, some of Group F were annoyed at their selfish behavior but it is their loss. If they don't learn how to interact with people now, how would their survive the working world? No one owes you a living.

Day 4 - Thursday 6/9
Woke up and headed to the ocean view apartment for breakfast and packed lunch as we were trekking. The weather was really nice as it did not rain at all. We were told that we were only doing 16km. The trekking was long and tiring. we did stop for occasional breaks but trekking up and down sand dunes and contours was just crazy. In the end, our teacher in charge told us that we actually trekked 21 km. Dinner was amazing as it was the last night at hamelin bay and I was so touched to see the whole group together and having a good time. We had barbecued meat for dinner and it was nice! I was really exhausted by the end of the day and I missed my huggable buddy.

Day 5 - Friday 7/9
Woke up and headed to the ocean view apartment for breakfast and we packed our lunch as we were canoeing and kayaking. We canoed 8km and kayaked 6km. I loved every moment of it! I definitely preferred this to hiking. I think I am a water baby! I cannot resist anything that has got to do with water. That probably explains why I loved abseiling in the rain. After canoeing and kayaking, we headed back to Hamelin bay to pack up before we head to Metricup for a quick pizza dinner and juice. Then the ~ 4 hour bus ride back to School/Boarding house. HOME SWEET HOME.

Who am I kidding? I loved my group. GROUP F for FANTASTIC! Other groups were not so bonded and each sub section only cared for themselves and they grabbed food even though they did not have a kitchen to cook in. Whereas, everyone in group F happily headed to the Ocean view apartment during meal times. No doubt, we had 大小姐s in our group but the rest of us were rather easy going. Thank you Ms McNamara for being with us throughout the camp. I definitely got to know more people and their character through this camp.


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