Good Friday weekend

I'm currently blogging this from my guardian's house! It is my first time staying with her and her family for this long weekend! I didn't fly back to Singapore as my term break would be in 3 weeks. I'm really grateful & thankful that they took me in. Yesterday was Good Friday, i remembered waking up pretty early as I wasn't use to the new environment. I did my daily routine of quiet time and prayer. Feeling rather distant from God these past few weeks, I prayed for God to let me experience Him once again.

My guardian invited me to attend a church service with her at Victory Life Centre. I thought it would be a pretty good experience attending church in Perth. Most of the time, the only thing i attend here is chapel held within my school.

The church was a 5 min drive away from her house. Upon arrival, i saw so many people of different races coming together to worship God. It was pretty much a cosmopolitan church. This was definitely an encouraging sight! The people there were so into worship and from my perspective, they gave their all (unrestricted & unashamed), to worship God. When we entered, the worship team was singing Your grace is enough. As worship progressed, i found myself singing songs i hardly knew and soon, i ended up tearing. I could sense the presence of the Holy Spirit just being in that place. It was an answered prayer! I felt like God was using the pastor to tell me something... The two points that stood out to me was 'HEALING' and PAST REGRETS'. Jesus died on the cross to make me NEW so i'm suppose to forget about my past hurts & regrets and Yes, God is healing me. The pastor shared about athletes' training their mind, we too, have to train our mind for Christ! Glorify and lift Him up in all we do. Society nowadays try to play down religion, all the more as Christians, we have to lift Him up and share about Him & His goodness with the rest of the world.

After church, i called home. It was nice having a conversation with Mom & dad... Well, Mom in particular. There has always been a barrier between my dad & i. Maybe because i'm a girl and he doesn't really know how to relate to me. Maybe he's just a typical Asian dad, trying to act cool and indifferent but deep down, he loves me very much. Maybe, he just missed out on my growing up years,  (from barbies to celebrity crushes - Wu Chun & Siwon just to name a few) not knowing what i'm into anymore. Maybe on April Fools' I should call my dad and tell him to get ready to meet his future son-in-law, insert celebrity name here. He'll probably flip with anger thinking that his son-in-law really exists. HAhahahaHA :D... Nahh, i won't be that mean.

Thinking back, I seldom receive any praise from my dad (it was just not in his parenting dictionary)  maybe that's why i feel so awkward and uncomfortable when others praise me. I was envious of other people's relationships with their dads. I wished i could have that closeness with my dad too.  Ever since then, I have been praying that God will help us get closer as Father & daughter. I must give God credit for improving the relationship between my dad & I during this past year or so. Bit my bit, whatsapp after whatsapp, i find ourselves more comfortable with each other. So much so, i can actually joke with him. (In the past, i couldn't luh, my dad was to stern & serious. Or, that's what i thought.)

Okay, so anyway, back to my conversation with mom. She told me something that i did not expect to hear at all. She said, my dad read my blog (well, i whatsapp him the link hoping that it'll help him better understand what was going on in my life) and he said... HE SAID, I could actually write really well... Let me repeat that for my sake. HE PRAISED MY WRITING CAPACITY! Like woah, i know i totally sound like a fan girl now. But this is big news, gaining approval from your parent who taunts you most of the time with his past achievements! This is something different.

All in all, my Good Friday was more than good! It was amazing! Knowing that both my Heavenly & earthly father loves me soooooo much! I feel so blessed being able to hang out with my (guardian's) family in Perth and learning so much from them through the stories they share.

"Good Friday... Where we examine the flaws of Humanity. Torturing & killing an innocent Man for his kindness & compassion to humankind. I'll never understand... But God knows best. ♥"

Have an Awesome long weekend!

God's love & blessings always~

Supergirl Marissa

P.s. I never played with Barbies as a child. Dolls, Yes. Barbies, Not really.


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