Judgmental Society?

This issue has been at the back of my head for quite sometime now. I witnessed an incident that urged me to write this blog article. I was having a nice dinner with Mom at a restaurant where they train STUDENTS to work in the service industry. So apparently, this smartly dressed middle aged man had ordered a bottle of beer and because the restaurant had a Happy Hour 1 for 1 Beer offer, he expected a second bottle of beer to be delivered to him. But I mean, he will obviously have to order the beer for it the be served to him right? After scaring the poor STUDENT waiter, he made a comment that made me sick. " Singapore's standard of service is dropping " I probably partially agree with the statement made.

BUT, COME ON MISTER, I can see that you are a businessman and you probably succeeded in life. SO WHAT? THAT DOES NOT GIVE YOU A RIGHT TO LOOK DOWN and INDIRECTLY INSULT OTHERS. The mean comments are unnecessary. The restaurant is a learning environment for these STUDENTS. It is here where they are trained. I must say, waitressing is not an easy task. Try it out and I am sure you will have a different perspective. If you want the Standard of Service to improve, why don't you give constructive feedback instead of critiquing the Service industry? This brings me to my main topic of the blog article. Being brought up in a JUDGMENTAL SOCIETY.

Our society recognizes 2 ends of the spectrum - Extraordinary and the Mediocre. The extraordinary gets the limelight, fame, popularity, fortune etc. Society, instead of helping the mediocre, they criticize, question their ability and probably insult their existence. Do society not realize that this people have feelings too and that they are trying their best. I have know how it feels to be judged. It's hardly ever a nice feeling.

Watch this video.

Not everyone excels at academic stuff. But everyone have something that they are good in. I do understand how the ITE students feel because I have been a victim of a judgmental society and I am sure many of you out there too. I really wish I had a solution for this problem but sadly, I don't. :(
Don't you seriously hate it when people look down on you just because you are inferior in society be it in academics, looks, intelligence? IF YOU HATE IT, DON'T DO IT TO SOMEONE ELSE!


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