
Disclaimer: This is MY experience, not a general stereotype that is to be thrown around.  I know in my previous posts, I briefly mentioned the catalyst of change but I didn't share the details. Felt prompted to share, hope you're encouraged by it :)

3 years ago, I went to a whole new environment. A whole new place, a whole new school, and yes, you've guessed it, a whole new culture. Nobody knew who I was. I could have been anybody I wanted to be. It was so tempting to go into a game of pretend. At that age, you have the desire of wanting to fit in, especially being the 'new kid' around school.  (Remind me to put this in my #Dearme letter, should I have one, to my younger self that it was a silly idea trying to be someone you're not.)

In Singapore, religion is kinda a taboo subject and we, are pretty hush-hush about it. However, it was a culture shock for me when I went to Australia. I was in an Anglican, High school there. You would think that there would be a certain respect for God and stuff like that but boy, was I wrong. We had religion class. But it was nothing like what you'd think it will be. We learnt about all kinds of religion and moral and ethical issues from abortion, to life after death and even euthanasia. At times, it caused my head to spin as I was having internal debates with what I learnt and what I believed in. (Not to mention a teacher who claims she was a Christian but practices tarot card reading... That got me really puzzled) I was honestly very shocked when people openly mocked God or treated Him like a joke. (No hard feelings mates. Still love y'all) It was all very new to me as Singapore has always been so multi-racial & religious country.

The wake up call happened one religion class when my teacher asked us about the profile of Jesus' disciples (I don't exactly remember the details). I knew the answer but acted all nonchalant and played it cool when my teacher asked me. I didn't want to appear like Ms know-it-all, or to be mocked for believing in my faith.

After that class, I seriously felt guilty. I felt like Peter who denied knowing God. (After God did so many amazing things in my life... Miracle #1, Miracle #2, actually most of my posts are examples of God working in my life) Somehow, it was all part of God's plan to draw me back to Him.

Previously, I kinda heard of this member in a boyband who visited Singapore for a concert and actually took time to attend church while he was here. Like dude, you're a celebrity. Aren't you afraid of what people may think of you? (yes that was the logic of my younger teenage self.) I was truly intrigued! At that point in time, my roomie then, Lea, introduced me to I somehow found out about 3rdWaveMusic (a Christian contemporary music that works with *legit* singers (who are Christians) in the entertainment industry.  Alexander Lee Eusebio, Brian Joo, Choi Siwon, Lim, Vanness Wu... just to name a few.

I was curious, amazed and in awe. Imagine, they are International celebrities who stand in the limelight, 'judged' by so many people. What people thought of them could really affect their job since it pretty much depended on popularity (what a big risk).Yet they are so brave and courageous to proclaim their faith and love for God on stage, in interviews & wherever they go. I truly admire them for their courage to boldly proclaim their faith. I remember vividly that it became my prayer to be as courageous as them. To one day be bold enough to proclaim God's goodness & share God's love.

Just like many prayers, the results aren't always how you want them to turn out to be. It took some trials, rejection, heartaches before I fumbled with expressing myself on this blog. Paired with advice from Christian mentor whom God connected me to via social media. Not forgetting the daunting challenge I was tasked with, by my mentor of reading the bible from cover to cover. I still remember the exact words said in a serious tone. "Marissa, I think God wants me to tell you to read the bible." In my heart I was like Yea, erm. Okay. But the bible is so thick... I remember telling God, "if You really want me to read Your word, give me the strength to actually do it!" With a determination that was definitely not my own, I actually accomplished it! I devoured the bible like it was the last plate of Char Kway Teow I was ever going to have. (Don't blame me! I craved Char Kway Teow when I was in Australia)

I can look back and say God answers prayers. Although not immediately, but I can totally understand why He took awhile. He was moulding me and building me up to know Him better and to trust Him more. So that I would be bold and brave enough to share my experiences on my blog and social media. It hasn't been an easy journey but it has definitely been a rewarding one. If you have an unanswered prayer, don't give up. Keep praying and trusting. God is in the midst of growing you. When you entrust a worry to God, the situation might not change, but God changes your perspective towards it.

I know I have come a long way (And I've a long way more to go). From being afraid to what people would think of me, to becoming in my own words, 'Shameless for Christ'. To the world, I might be this shameless person who keeps sharing about God and the Christian faith. I do acknowledge that some people will hate me for being so blunt and brutally honest about it. But to me, having the chance to blog and share my experience is the reminder of an answered prayer. It is also a reminder that God still uses modern day people to reach out and touch the lives of others.

If you're reading this I just wanna encourage you with this verse.

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."
Joshua 1:9

God's love & blessings~




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