End of another chapter

I am currently on a train to Nice from Milan. It has been an interesting experience travelling to Europe and this part of the world. So many things to see and learn. Land is just so vast around here and there was just so much walking to do I order to see the various attractions.

As I end another chapter or season of my life, I have many things to be grateful for. I know I haven’t been as diligent in sharing the happenings in my life – the battles as well as the victories. Let me remind myself, yet again that the whole purpose of my blog is to truthfully share my life experiences, especially my faith journey without sugar coating it.

I remember the last chapter of my life when I went through a ‘meltdown’ or ‘crisis’ during my Year 12, unsure of what to pursue in University – Between a Double degree in Commerce and Law or just a single degree in Business/Commerce and where? Australia or Singapore? God is good and He saw me through that uncertain period, opening doors for me in Nanyang Business School. It was really by God’s grace that I got a place. No written tests or physical interviews was required though I had an overseas certificate. All it took was a phone interview and in less than a week, I was offered a place.

Why am I sharing all this? Well, this is to remind myself that God is in control. He has seen me through the previous seasons of my life and He will see me through this one as well. I will soon be graduating from University and possibly joining the workforce.

For the longest time, artiste management has been a career on my list to try out. I am really blessed to have had the opportunity to assist and help a brother in Christ, better understand the struggles of that industry as well as experience the career of my choice. God taught me a lot on this journey – a heart of gratitude, humility, patience, to be true to yourself & to others, and to love others just like how Christ loves us even when we find it incredibly hard or challenging to do so. I truly treasure the working relationships formed with the various stakeholders during my short time working as an artiste manager. I truly believe that God has prepared a more efficient and capable artiste manager to be a new member of the team.

Now the time has come for me to rediscover the new direction and purpose God has for my life. God is using this experience to prepare me for something greater and to also draw me closer to Him. My fundamental purpose of being a blessing to others and being an example of Christ still stands. I just need to figure out the secondary part of it – where and what.

As mentioned previously in my blog post, people of this world will try to change you. One would really need to be grounded in one’s values and beliefs to “stay true to yourself and to others”. When I made the choice to Live for Christ, immediately, I no longer fit into this world. God’s economy operates in a way that other people cannot comprehend.  I have been mocked for being “naïve” and “sheltered” for choosing to see the good in people and giving them benefit of the doubt. I am not one who is quick to judge and the world finds fault with me for that. But you see, once you realise the importance that you do not live to please humans, but only God alone, it doesn’t matter what people say or think about you. You live without the need to gain approval from people. You are free from the burdens people try to place on you. You live with a clear conscience knowing that you only need to be accountable to God alone for all your actions.

I admit, even though I talk about all this, it is something I struggle with from time to time. It is so easy to get caught up with wanting to perfect what you are doing or get caught up with the people around you. Sometimes, that takes your focus away from God and that’s when you start to lose your balance.

This season, I am once again reminded that it is okay to be human. I tend to be someone who hates imposing on people. As such, I would keep things to myself or feel incredibly bad for burdening people with my own issues as I believe everyone has their own burdens. But I am incredibly blessed to have met many awesome people who journeyed with me through this, provided sound advice and kept me in their prayers. I am sure you all know who you are, Thank you! I am so grateful to have you in my life.

Only 2 hours have passed, about 3 more hours to go!

God’s love & blessings~




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