Response to "AirAsia Flight QZ8501. God's true warning" by

Hey guys, my heart goes out to all the loved ones of the passengers and crew on QZ8501. It saddens me that such unfortunate events happen in our world. What saddens me more is this blogpost I came across on " AirAsia Flight QZ8501. God's true warning" (CSS). I really did not want to blog about this but something is stirring within me to clarify all the misconceptions posted in the blogpost.

Heavenly Father, I pray for wisdom that you may use me to speak of Your goodness and love. I claim on the promise of Isaiah 55:11 that whatever shared in my blog will be accomplished and succeeded in it's purpose for Your glory and it won't be void. Amen.

As a Christian, I apologise for their insensitivity and thoughtlessness. I do not agree or condone what is in the blogpost. To my Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Indonesian & all other friends affected by the blogpost, I am sorry you had to read a post like that.

Disclaimer: If you're sensitive toward religious stuff, you might wanna check some other post out or click the 'x' at the top right/left corner of the computer screen (depends on the type of computer you use.)

The God portrayed in that blogpost is not the God I know or worship. The God that I know is full of love, grace and mercy. He does not 'hate' anyone. Contrary to their blog post, God loves you.

"Whoever does not love, does not know God, because God is love." 1 John 4:8

We just celebrated Christmas. Christians commemorate Christmas not for all the fancy presents but to remember the birth of Jesus Christ, born of the virgin Mary by the Holy Spirit. Jesus is God's son sent into the world to be crucified for our sins. You know what, contrary to what CSS thinks, everyone sin. Even Christians. There, I said it.

Sorry to burst CSS's bubble but Christians are not perfect! The self righteous tone used in their blog and how they call themselves "true christians" is evidence of pride. The bible says "Do not become proud at that time and forget the Lord Your God who rescued you from slavery in the land of Egypt" Deuteronomy 8:14 

So what if you're "true christians"? It does not give you the right to judge others.

They kept demanding an answer, so he stood up again and said, "All right, but let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone!" John 8:7

God does not condemn a particular race or religion because of sin. The human race sin. God loves us so much that He sent His only son to die on the cross for our sins. Do you know why? Because we were made in His own image.

"So God created mankind in His own image. In the image of God He created them. Male and Female  He created them." Genesis 1:27
Notice the repetition of  'God created mankind in His own image' & 'image of God He created them'. The repetition appears to emphasize the point that us, humans were made in His image.  

IF God is as petty as what CSS portrays Him to be, the world is doomed. I as a Christian am doomed. And if God is really that petty and fussy, I wouldn't want to be associated with him. I wouldn't want to worship a god who has mood swings.

 But the God that I know and have been learning about through the ups and downs in my life is the "...same yesterday, today and forever." Hebrews 13:8
Check out my previous posts and you can witness and understand God working in real life situations. I believe the God that created the Heavens & the Earth is disappointed in how CSS has portrayed Him to be.

 The author of the blog post claims to be "true Christians".  I really wish that they would have the personal relationship with God and understand Him for who He really is. Instead of 'trying to put words' in His mouth and create excuses for what's happening in the world.

""For my thoughts are not your thoughts neither are your ways my ways." declares the Lord "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts that your thoughts."" Isaiah 55:8-9
God is sovereign. No one has an absolute answer as to why God allowed this particular incident to happen.

God wants us to worship Him for who He is and out of love. Not out of fear or because of His wrath. I do not have an absolute answer as to why God allow this particular incident to happen. I completely disagree with the content written in the blogpost. But I will keep people affected by the disappearance of QZ8501 in prayer.

Dear Heavenly Father, I commit the people affected by the Airasia Flight QZ8501 into Your hands. I know You see their hurt and anguish during this time. I pray for double portion of love and comfort to be with them. Let them experience Your love and warmth during this tough time. Father, I pray for wisdom for the people who are involved in the search efforts. May You lead and guide them into the location of the plane. Father, I also want to pray against the message shared by creationsciencestudy. It is disturbing to know how the evil one is bringing even more hurt to the stakeholders involved in this incident. Father, I pray that they will have the opportunity to experience You for themselves instead of portraying you in a wayward manner. May their eyes and heart be open to You. Father, I also pray for the safety of all the passengers, crew and planes that may be taking off. May they be covered with Your love and protection.
In Jesus' name we pray, Amen!

If you are reading this post, it is no coincidence. God loves You so much!

God's love & blessings~


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