Beauty is seen in its Imperfections

This blog post is an explanation for my random thought of the weekend. For those who have been following me on my social networking sites, you'd realise that I have been posting random thoughts for the weekend or more like #randomthoughtfortheweekend

These are ideas, lessons or points to ponder on and "download" them into my life. The random thought for this week is
"The world may think I am the strangest person. But I gotta remind myself that beauty is seen in its imperfections."

Beauty is seen in its imperfections. I'd like to think that I came up with this phrase about 3 years ago?
I'm not sure if you guys know about my major hospitalisation 3 years ago. I was desperate to find a cure for my eczema and turned to Traditional Chinese Medicine... Technically I would have been 'dead' by now. It's a long story and I blogged about it before. Click here to read the Full story

Anyway, after the whole hospitalisation episode, I remember my mother coming up to me. Feeling so guilty and awful that I had to go through the whole thing. The daily dose of steroids and needles. My mom's birthday was pretty near the date I was discharged. I tried to do a birthday card for her. But everyone knows, I am no artist. Some how, the phrase that came up in my head at that point in time was "Beauty is seen in its imperfections". I don't know how the 16 year old me came up with that but I remember writing it on her birthday card anyway. Maybe I was trying to indirectly comfort her and tell her she is beautiful and she's not to blame for the hospitalisation. I don't know. Period.

I know the world associates beauty with 'perfection', 'flawlessness' etc. These thoughts are planted in our minds thanks to the media and advertising companies. They want people to feel awful about themselves so that they would buy products to try to make themselves feel better. But actually, they don't have to. They are already beautiful. If everyone had that 'ideal beauty' won't we look all the same? There won't be anything unique about us. We will just be like barbie dolls mass produced by a factory.

I know I can never attain the world's definition of beauty because in their eyes, I am a damaged product. My skin is far from flawless (as everyone knows in my previous blog post), my eyes are not big enough... and the list goes on. But I take comfort in the thought that "Beauty is seen in its imperfections" Hmmm.... How do i explain this? Let me try....

Everyone of us is like a ginseng. Every ginseng is unique. I remember going into a Chinese herb store when I was younger and saw the ugliest ginseng being sold for a fortune. I asked myself "who in the world would buy that?" I remember the shop keeper pointing out to me the uniqueness of that ginseng and the reason why it would fetch that price. Looking back, I was just too shallow and naive not to appreciate the true beauty of the ginseng. Like many in the world today, I was blinded by the ginseng's imperfections.

In the same way, some people in the world might be too shallow to recognise your true beauty because they are blinded by your imperfections. A wise person would be able to overlook your imperfections and love you for who you are.

Trust me, it's not easy going against the world. It's not easy standing up for what you believe in. It's not easy going against the crowd.

There are always two ends of the spectrum. People who agree with you &/or support you and people who disagree with you &/or hate you. I know the more I blog, many people would move towards the respective ends of the spectrum. I know people will hate me for revealing myself and being so vocal. I know people will hate me for standing up for what I believe in. I know people will hate me for every little thing I do. Well, I'm sorry. But this is me.

Beauty is seen in its Imperfections.

God's love & blessings~



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