Turning 18 & more...!

It has been about 2 weeks since I turned 18. Yea, I feel pretty much the same. I didn't suddenly grow taller (though I wish I had) nor did I get any cool super powers. Responsibilities was the only thing I got more of... But hey, I'm not complaining. In Australia, when you turn 18, you're pretty much treated like an adult. Teens start moving out of their parents' home to live on their own. They get the freedom that they longed for... (Mostly the partying part)

I was pretty shocked when my 14+ year old school mate told me she was envious of me turning 18 because I could start drinking legally. Honestly, I was not very enthusiastic about the drinking part... I'm really not attracted to alcohol. I'm more interested in the fact that I am finally old enough to join 3rdWave Missions on the 6 week Summer Revolution Missions Program in Korea. Please do join me in prayer as I seek God's guidance and direction regarding this particular matter.

God has been very good & patient with me. Throughout my life, I have strayed away from Him countless times. But each time, He never fails to send someone to encourage me and draw me back to Him. In this year alone, I feel that I got to know God better. Taking up the challenge to read the Bible from cover to cover was the best decision I ever made. It has definitely changed my life. A huge THANK YOU to God for using my Christian mentor, Uncle A to convey this message to me. When I first heard the message, I was a little skeptical. But i humbled myself and said that if it God really wanted me to read the Bible, He will give me the strength to go through it all. True enough, He did. It is almost 2 months since I started the Bible reading challenge, I have learnt so much more about God & I feel much happier. Many a times, I do hope that my friends are able to enjoy the security & happiness provided by God by making time to seek Him. But then again, I don't want to 'force' them into it. All I can do is pray for them.

Yes, I digress. Anyway, i thank God for blessing me with a loving, caring guardian who provides support in my school & spiritual life. She didn't have to bake me the cupcakes shown above for my birthday but she did so anyway. She also took me out for an advance birthday lunch at a cosy place in Fremantle. I always enjoy her company as I learn so much from her experiences & testimonies that she share. Here are some of the pictures I took at Fremantle...

view from the restaurant

Fish & Chips! :) Yumzzzzz

Clear blue skies <3

Yeap, that's all from me for now... Hope you're keeping well!

God's love & Blessings~

Supergirl Marissa


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