Great is Thy Faithfulness

Whooo Hooo!!! I am finally free from exams. The feeling is AWESOME! :D I couldn't have survived the exams without God's help & encouragement from my Sisters-in-Christ. Well, exam results will be out on Tuesday... I am going to entrust them to God as I already done my best. Regardless of how well (or how badly) I did, I just hope to bring glory to Him in all that I do.

Am having a pretty good time now that exams are over. On thursday, I hung out with my guardian at her house. The change of environment is good especially with fluffy the family dog running around the house. On friday, we went out to the city to shop followed by a movie till midnight. I was so exhausted :/ Don't think late nights are meant for me... Here are some photos that I took in the city...

Think you're looking at a statue?

Think again...

Haha we saw this busker in the city. He was really good. We all thought he was a statue. But he's a real person and he actually moves when people put money into the bowl. 

Okay... That's all from me for now. I'm off to pack my room and clear away all my exam stuff. 

God's love & blessings always


Supergirl Marissa


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