
What is Courage? Is it something edible? Well, courage is the ability to do something that frightens one. This definition is based on the dictionary in my mac. In my perspective, I am doing something that takes a lot of courage. I have written the invitations and I am going to deliver them once prep is over. It is about time that I took action. " Faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead." ~ James 2:17

I heard this prompting from many people. I believe God is telling me something and HE really wants me to carry it out. I first heard it from my mom when I first started boarding. Then I heard about it from my mom's ex-schoolmate who is currently living in Perth and her daughters attend the same school as me. Recently, it was my quiet time " As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend." ~ Proverbs 27:17

I believe that if I ignore this, God will surely use another method to ensure that I carry it out. So yes, back to the invitations. I know I may face rejections but I believe that if it is something God wants me to do, I am sure he will provide. I am planning to start a prayer meeting cum life group with my friends in the boarding house. I hope that through the group, our faith will grow and that we can be instruments for God. The initiating process is a little frightening especially if you're the one initiating it. I don't really  have a detailed plan or materials to carry out during the prayer meeting cum life group but I am sure, God will lead us if it is something He wants me to do. 

The prayer meeting cum life group will tentatively take place on Fridays at 7pm. (At least that was what I wrote on the invitations) Please pray for us. No matter where you are, you are welcome to pray with us on Fridays at 7pm :) 

I just hope for a positive feedback. Im going to send out the invitations now. May God's peace be with me :)


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