Back to School.

Just settled down into the boarding house. This includes unpacking, putting things in order, bathing, setting up my bed... I am not ready. I just looked at my diary and whoahh, I'm packed with so many tests. I am not ready for all these stuff. I had dinner at my guardian's house before she sent me back to the boarding house. I had a great time with her. She is like my mom in Perth. :D She cooked really yummy food for me. So much so her own sons complain that she cooks better food for me than for them and they wanted me to visit them more often so that they can enjoy better food.
Gosh, my guardian is so cute.

Now, back to my ranting... Gahhhh I am not ready for this. I think I am starting to miss the food in SG. I MISS MY BED :'(


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