Get your Special place today!
Do you have a special place? A place where you feel so happy? A place where you feel so comfortable and free from burdens? I found my special place. My special place is a place I enjoy dearly to be especially when I am miles away from home. Though I recently got back to the routine of school and boarding life, I admit, I was missing home. I was homesick. It did not help that the weather in Perth was getting colder and gloomier. It made me miss the Sunshine on my sunny Island back in Singapore. I was really feeling down until I discovered my special place and labelled it "MY SPECIAL PLACE".
You guys must be wondering where my special place is and how I discovered it was the special place for me. Well, I had a chapel today during the school timetable (it is a compulsory chapel period every year group has once a cycle.) The chapel has always been an amazing place for me as it was within the school and boarding compound. Secondly, I feel that it is just about me and God there. I am aware that some girls are not christians and they probably dread going for chapel. But for me, it is an amazing time where I don't have to sit in the classroom. Instead, I am sitting in the presence of God. :)
Well, before I went for chapel, I was feeling really blue and burdened (I had a politics and law source analysis test in period 7). However, after I sat there in the chapel and seriously prayed during communion, I felt my burden getting lighter and I felt less worried about the test. Normally, I wondered why the chapel was locked when it was not in used. I would have loved to walk into the chapel and just be silent in the presence of God...
Well, at the end of today's chapel, Reverend Gerry welcomed all the girls to visit the chapel as she understands that it is going to be a very stressful term with exams in less than 3 weeks. Wow, is this a sign that God really wants the school chapel to be my 'Special place'? Whatever it is, I am glad. I feel excited now that the chapel would be open for visits :)
It is currently the weekend. I am probably going to watch the movie 'Despicable me' with my friends in my room. Saturday and Sunday will be homework day. So exciting! There it is, You guys now know where my special place is. Feel free to visit it if you can. I challenge you to find a special place today! A place where you can be yourself without being judged.
You guys must be wondering where my special place is and how I discovered it was the special place for me. Well, I had a chapel today during the school timetable (it is a compulsory chapel period every year group has once a cycle.) The chapel has always been an amazing place for me as it was within the school and boarding compound. Secondly, I feel that it is just about me and God there. I am aware that some girls are not christians and they probably dread going for chapel. But for me, it is an amazing time where I don't have to sit in the classroom. Instead, I am sitting in the presence of God. :)
Well, before I went for chapel, I was feeling really blue and burdened (I had a politics and law source analysis test in period 7). However, after I sat there in the chapel and seriously prayed during communion, I felt my burden getting lighter and I felt less worried about the test. Normally, I wondered why the chapel was locked when it was not in used. I would have loved to walk into the chapel and just be silent in the presence of God...
Well, at the end of today's chapel, Reverend Gerry welcomed all the girls to visit the chapel as she understands that it is going to be a very stressful term with exams in less than 3 weeks. Wow, is this a sign that God really wants the school chapel to be my 'Special place'? Whatever it is, I am glad. I feel excited now that the chapel would be open for visits :)
It is currently the weekend. I am probably going to watch the movie 'Despicable me' with my friends in my room. Saturday and Sunday will be homework day. So exciting! There it is, You guys now know where my special place is. Feel free to visit it if you can. I challenge you to find a special place today! A place where you can be yourself without being judged.
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