Some things happened recently and it made me realise many things. I will be as vague as possible. Just a little note to people in authority, do choose your words carefully when you confront people. I know sometimes, you do not mean to sound bias but it just comes out the wrong way and to sensitive teens  it means a great deal. Also, another thing never ever have the plaintiff (person lodging the complain) and the defendant (other person involved) in the same room when they give their first statement. In court, they have written statements, I think that really makes sense and it should be practised in institutions. Well, okay now that I am done, here is what I have to say.

I am unhappy with the defendant's actions and attitude towards this case. Adjudicator could not prove defendant's intention hence defendant got away by apologising. I felt that this matter was handled unprofessionally. The adjudicator's personal opinions affected the judgement for the case.

How would you feel if if I told you the plaintiff was affected emotionally and psychologically by the case? The remedy issued by the adjudicator is just an apology by the defendant. Any Tom, Dick & Harry can tell that it is an unfair judgement. ' What goes around, comes around.' We'll wait and see, wait and see, wait and see. 'Vengeance is mine' says the Lord. I will let God decide how He wants to deal with injustice.

By the way, this is my view as a bystander.

Random article : Right to Sleep is a FUNDAMENTAL Right.
I didn't know that. Did you?


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