
What happened to the street hawkers? Missing those days when 5 dollars can buy you many things. Nowadays, 5 dollars can only last you a meal. All thanks to inflation. Why does the cost of living have to go up in Singapore? Imagine... In the past, land only cost 1 dollar per square foot. Now, it cost a few hundreds per square foot. Life was so simple in the past... Now as our society becomes more affluent, life becomes so complicated and fast paced. People do not have the chance to slow down and enjoy nature and the beauty of life in itself.
This is what is lacking in Society. This is probably a contributing factor to why Singaporeans are known to be ungracious. It is just not our habit to slow down and appreciate things that people do. This is very sad. If we want to see changes, Changes must be made in the education system as we should inculcate the values from young. Well, this is what I think.


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