What am I suppose to do?

What is this feeling? Sadness? Denial? Regret? I honestly don't know what it is. Realization finally hit me. What am I doing next year? Have I come to a conclusion? Nope, not really. I don't even know what I wanna become anymore. When I was little, I was confident that I'll probably do something related to business. Somewhere along the way, I got distracted and thought about a career in the media industry. But I realised I lacked talent and so, that career option disappeared. Then, I thought about a career in the Public sector. Then I became aware that isn't a viable option in Singapore. Not for me at least. I don't meet their "smart-ness" criteria and they probably won't appreciate "out-of-the-box" people like me anyway.

I'm uniquely strange and I surprise people when they least expect it. So maybe the key here is not to expect too much from a girl like me. I'm no Brainiac, no Sports person, can't dance, amateurish singer, can't paint or draw or act. Yea, I think you get the point. I'm just an average person. Or maybe below average since I don't even know what my talent or dreams are anymore.

Losing sight of your dreams or not even knowing what they are is probably one of the worse moments in your life. Just all of a sudden, you don't know what you're working for anymore. It's kinda meaningless to a certain extent.

It's real strange though that I dreamed of the word "CONGLOMERATE" the other night. To you it might be a incomprehensible word, but to me, it meant the world. As cliché as it sounds.

I may have just found my life's dream again :)

Lots of love~



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