Breaking Borders, Impacting Lives (BBIL)

My 20th birthday is coming up in a month's time. I am not someone who usually goes around announcing the arrival of my birthday. But this year, it is different. I felt prompted to start a birthday campaign to raise funds to help children exit exploitation. Instead of birthday presents or even parties, I would be so grateful if you could come onboard and support this cause.

I named this campaign Breaking Borders, Impacting Lives (BBIL) because I truly believe that WE are able to bring more AWARENESS to child exploitation and takes steps to put an end to child slavery and prostitution. I know we can make a difference because Maria Dyer founded St. Margaret's School in 1842 on the very same basis. It started off with her buying mui tsai (slave girls) off the streets (of Singapore, mind you) and educating them. She valued them as individuals and nurtured them. As a result for her determination to stop slavery, I was blessed with an opportunity to spend half of my life under the mission & vision Ms Dyer set out for the girls. (appendix A for video if interested)

Anyway, back on point. These are some statistics seen in the world today.
"An estimated of 4.5million people worldwide are trafficked for sex or forced into prostitution, 98% of whom are women and girls according to the International Labor Organisation."

"In the US, more than 300,000 children are reported to be at risk of sexual exploitation."

The UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Rights inherent to ALL human beings regardless of race, nationality, religion, gender, colour or status) states:

Article 4 - No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms

Article 5 - No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

Article 26 -Everyone has the right to education.

Child exploitation goes against Human rights. It undermines all the articles listed above. Developing countries fail to uphold basic human rights due to poverty and the lack of resources.

It breaks my heart to read about a Mother's (last resort in) selling her daughter's virginity just to get a meager amount to buy daily necessities. It not only creates trauma for her daughter but it also fuels the sex trade, creating a slippery slope and a never ending demand for sex slaves. More than 1 million children are tricked, kidnapped and forced into child prostitution in Cambodia alone. Check out this video by World Vision.

I will be partnering with World Vision Singapore for this campaign. Check out Mar20thBBIL for more details and to make your donation. I acknowledge that this campaign would not be able to save EVERY child. But I believe that it will raise awareness and make a difference to the lives of the children that we will be saving.

For $32 donated, you will provide these vulnerable children access to education, safe accommodation and necessary support to build a happy, independent life.
For $67, you will provide these street youths with life skills training.

I thank you in advance for your kind contributions. I sincerely appreciate all you making an effort to read this.

God's love & blessings~


Appendix A


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