Lessons from Movie - 3 Peas in a Pod

I'm so happy that I managed to watch 3 Peas in a Pod in cinemas! I was afraid that I would miss this movie altogether. But I made it back to watch it! Whoo Hoo! :D

Whether you're young or old, you can definitely learn something from this movie. I decided to pick out lessons I learnt, or points that I felt the director was conveying. It is basically my opinion and I definitely welcome people to disagree with me...

In general, I felt it was a job well done. I loved the scenery featured in the movie! Director - Ms Michelle Chong has definitely done justice in capturing the gorgeous scenery around Australia.

I'll try my best to write this without revealing or spoiling the movie for those who have yet to watch. Here's the trailer for your enjoyment!

Let's start...

1. Don't judge a book by its cover
Very often, we judge people by the way they look, or their social status. After watching this movie, it has made me realise that first impressions should not determine one's character or personality. Peter is a good looking, rich and suave guy. He has almost anything and everything. One would think that his life is a breeze. But the audience would not understand the pressures that he is facing in chasing his own pursuit of happiness.

It made me mindful of my own judgment of others.  It's easy to jump to a conclusion that kids from wealthy families are spoiled and self-centered. I'm guilty of doing that... But I've friends are born with a silver spoon, but are humble and hard working. This totally shatters the stereotype.

2. Be true to (yourself &) others
My school motto at St. Mary's was "be true to yourself and to others". I can't agree more. After watching the movie, I realised the importance of communication and being open with others, especially your friends. If you have to pretend to be someone else so that you're friends will like you, THEY ARE NOT YOUR FRIENDS!!!

True friends accept you for who you are, even when they are well aware of your flaws. 

I'm sure Penny & Peter loved Perry with his nerdy glasses and out of date fashion styles. They would definitely appreciate it if he was more open with them.

3. Appreciation
This is basically about treasuring everything that we have. Many times, we miss out on the beauty of nature because we are just so caught up in the mundane routine of life as defined by society. Go to school, get good grades, graduate, get a well paying job, date, get married, start a family, your kids continue the cycle and your grand kids continue the cycle....

Sometimes, we should remind ourselves that life is more than this.... We should take a break and reconnect with the natural world. Go out for a walk in the park or catch the sunrise. Chilling out with nature reminds us that the world does not revolve around us. We are just another tiny being compared to the vastness of the Earth. I'm sure the world would not crash just because we chose to take a short break from our repetitive routine. :D

4. Don't try to live for others
I can't stress how important this is! When you live for others, (in a way to earn other's acceptance and praises), you'll never be happy. There is NO END to pleasing people. Trust me, I've been there... There will always be haters. Hence if you live for them, you'll never get happiness.

It's only when you start working towards your own goals, you'll experience the joy and happiness. The sense of satisfaction, the sense of achievement. Living for others drives you to your grave (metaphorically and possibly literally). That's not good, not good at all. 

There is definitely so much more to learn from the 3 Ps in the Movie! I'll definitely edit this post if I find any other points. I'll like to congratulate the cast and crew for their hard work in the production of this movie that has brought much entertainment.


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