Australia Federal Election 2013

Wowwwwww.... Today's was definitely an exciting day as Australians had a chance to vote for their government. As a politics & law student, i was definitely very excited to see the outcome of the election and put all the theoretical skills we learnt in class into practice. Like many, I do have a preferred party but reflecting on their past actions and decisions. I can understand why they were not re-elected.

I'm talking about the Australian Labor Party (ALP). Yea, they gained big news when they had the leadership spill on June 26, 2013 with Kevin Rudd back in the leadership position and Julia Gillard ushered to the exit. This made people doubt the unity of the party and it was the 2nd time in 3 years. In 2010, Julia Gillard replaced Kevin Rudd. I'm sure citizens were angry because in 2007 they voted for Kevin Rudd but was given Julia Gillard and in 2010 they voted for Julia Gillard but was given Kevin Rudd. Citizens are meant to vote for the party but i guess it is human nature to vote for the person who is representing the party.

My English teacher can vouch for this... Recently, we had to give another speech in class about a topic that is drawn out of a hat... The topic we (it was a paired project) got was power...You know, being the girl i was, enthusiastic about leadership around the world, I couldn't help but research and base my speech on Julia Gillard. (I'm not sure if you remember my last speech was on Aung San Suu Kyi I blogged about it, quite sometime ago)

So Anyway, I picked a news article about her speaking up about the sexism she faced during her time in parliament Here's the article if you're keen to read it. It made me realise a few things in relation to power. She had political power. Come on, she was the first female Prime Minister in Australia. However, on the other hand, she was marginalised because of her gender. She was a woman. Then opposition leader, now Prime Minister was pretty mean to her. Standing near placards that said "Ditch the witch"

Isn't very nice. Come on, he has daughters... Two? or was it three? How would he like it if someone went up to them and insulted them because of their gender? The research that I had to do for my English Speech really made me dislike Tony Abott  A LOT... Realising what a sexist he is.

If that wasn't enough... In a liberal function, this was spotted on the menu.

It was a big insult to females. He practically treated Julia Gillard as Poultry and not a human being... So much for human rights. Well, a netizen photoshop and made it more visual... Here is the picture.

All in all, I really wouldn't like to have a sexist Prime Minister to represent my country in International events or on the world stage. You never know when he "accidentally" let out an inappropriate comment. But who am I to have a say on things? I am just a visitor in this land. All the best Australia!


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