The Dynamic life

How many times have we heard things like "Ai ya, its in the past. Don't talk about it luhh" Well, please bear with me. For the sake of comparison, i'll have to talk about the past. Maybe. Briefly.

Ever since encountering God's presence in the youth camp, my Christian life has been so dynamic. Yes, there have been ups and downs with some challenges along the way. But that is what makes the relationship with God so exciting! The past few days i have been pretty down emotionally and this too led me to feeling slightly 'down' spiritually. A part of me was struggling to consistently place God as top priority and another part of me was questioning if God is really glorified through my life.

The past few days i have been experiencing weird sensations. I feel really cold but by body radiates heat. Similar to the sensations when you have fever but the weird thing was, my body temperature was rather normal just that when you touched my skin, it was really hot and i felt cold. -.- Rather complicated to explain. Anyway, this sensation affected my sleep as my body could not decide if i was hot or cold. This morning about 4+am i really couldn't sleep so i got up and did my quiet time. i remembered praying for guidance & for God to use me and my twitter account to bless others. i stayed up till about 7am before getting tired and going back to sleep. I woke up at about 11am and i checked my twitter. i found that i had a new follower and she tweeted to me.

She asked if i was a lightworker. She told me that she was a free thinker but she believed in the things i believed in. (My thoughts: Well, its a start. it takes courage to tweet and share your religion with someone you hardly know. Maybe just maybe she believes there's a God. i pray that the Holy Spirit will touch her heart and she too will join God's family. Is God sending her to encourage & give me an opportunity to truly bless someone who is willing to receive?) i had no idea what that meant. She explained that a lightworker was someone who spreads positivity. I told her i am a full time Christian and a part-time lightworker. Somehow our conversation continued. She discovered me through 3 peas in a pod and she read my previous blog post 'Dilemma week' about how God changed my perspective towards fame. She told me she liked it. (I hope that the Holy Spirit touched her heart when she read it) i know this may have seemed weird to her or anybody for that matter but i told her that i'll always be there if she needed a prayer or a listening ear. (Thinking about it, i have no idea why i suddenly offered to pray, its doesn't seem natural for it to come from me. i pray that it must have been the Holy Spirit)

Anyway, in the past, here was what my Christian life looked like: ­­­­­––––––––––––––
because God and I had our own separate worlds.

Currently, i feel that my Christian life is like this: /¯¯¯¯\/¯¯\_/¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\/¯¯¯¯
Dynamic with ups & downs.

"Not by might, nor by power but by my Spirit says the Lord." Zechariah 4:6

God's love & blessing always~

Supergirl Marissa


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