Swimming With Sharks!!! Onomnomnomnom

It was a pretty Awesome Sunday being able to worship God with all my brothers & sisters in Christ followed by a Youth camp meeting with the rest of the Lg'95. It has been awhile since we gathered together for a meal as we are all so busy with school. But it was an amazing time and I truly feel encouraged when we shared our views & visions for the youth camp that we are in charge of planning. Our theme now is revival. As we hope that through the camp, the youths will develop an intimate relationship with God and it will stay with them from then on. Being a volunteer with 3rd Wave Music has been an Amazing experience as I feel that I am more sure of God's existence and He is indeed real in my life.  I really hope that the youths will be able to experience how real God is in their lives and they too can contribute and be a part of the 3rd Wave. To be effective Soldiers of Light for God. I am truly excited to be a part of the planning committee for Youth camp 2012 & I really can't wait to see where God will lead & guide us. I am sure He will be with us through it all. I do have a favor to ask of you. Do join me as we pray for the youths who will be attending the youth camp from 27 to 30 dec. We do not have the numbers yet. We pray that God will send the youths,  the Holy Spirit will touch their hearts and may there be a revival in the youth ministry. Just in case some of you are wondering, my church is Kampong Kapor Methodist Church (KKMC). Do keep us in prayer!

God is truly amazing, how He sends people to encourage me via twitter. After youth camp meeting, I randomly tweeted on twitter asking people to keep youth camp in prayer. My fellow sister in Christ, Grace (I got to know her through twitter as she too is a fan of Siwon. It all started by offering to pray for each other ^.^) replied me saying that she will keep the camp in prayer. I kinda tweeted Mr. Anthony Eusebio (his son is Xander previously from Ukiss. Don't really know much about Xander though :/ Only know that he is part of 3rd Wave Music), asking him to keep youth camp in prayer. I really wasn't expecting a reply. But he did. " Yes sure! Your church name & when is it? Let's agree with faith in prayer..." I hardly know most of these people but I feel a really strong bond with them - The bond of Christ. I really thank God for sending people to encourage and motivate me to grow in faith in Him.

I went to watch Pangdemonium's Swimming With Sharks! It was pretty amazing other than the fact that it was filled with sh*t & f*ck. All the cast were AMAZING! I can never see George Young in the same way again... He successfully portrayed the character really well. One moment, shy & naive, the next moment, confident and the next moment like a mad man. I really enjoyed the torture scene. I think I'm a sadist. I was laughing when Guy was torturing Buddy. Was a little disappointed that I didn't get a chance to take a picture with the talented cast. Oh well, Maybe next time.

Things I learnt from the play: Take everybody's words with a pinch of salt. Never completely trust anyone. Never lose sight of yourself or your goals.

I entrust my life to God. May He grant me the wisdom to deal with these situations I may face in the office when I start working. Even if people may wrong me, I pray that God will help me put this verse into practice.
Romans 12:21
"Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good."

God's love & blessings!

Supergirl Marissa


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